Happy Monday everyone. I am extra perky today due to Mimi and Bampa in charge of 3 little boys. Blog-Stedman and I collection out of boondocks equally quickly as possible to enjoy the Texas hill country for a quick get abroad. Yesterday afternoon and evening nosotros spent several grueling hours floating in inter tubes on a lazy river.

For potluck food, simply let me know what you desire, I will order room service. Merely don't drinkable the honour bar water, it is a whopping $iv.50. If I see that water accuse on my bill, I will chase you down…

I have been having some tailbone pain for awhile. I have been faithfully going to physical therapy (which has been a existent claiming since I am a PT. The logistics of treating your own tailbone hurting is a bit insurmountable.)

Since the pain has not been getting better over the last few weeks I had an MRI final Thursday. My personal Radiologist (blog-Stedman, Dr.) called me every bit I left maxim, "Wow. You take a lot of swelling effectually your coccyx. It really looks like it hurts."

Thanks. I approximate validation is a expert thing. And then what practise you practice for coccyx edema?

DONUT! Not the yummy, warm from the oven Krispy Kreme…the rubber, blow up kind that you sit on. My personal donut is low-cal ruby in colour. Aye, when I sit it appears as if I am sitting on a whoppie cushion. Oh the joys.

As we were leaving this morning time to get into the car, Reid (four) says, "mommy don't forget your toilet".

I had a dearest reader arrive afterwards Googling, "moving picture of a lady with a cleaver in her hand" this week. I had thought this thought once or twice, only not posted such a thing. Are some of my honey readers psychic?

I am and so happy to announce that searches for "crapicity" has overtaken "june cleaver nude" and "june cleaver naked" combined! I am so relieved. This is an obvious upshot of the college caliber of reader that the Nirvana now attracts.

Nap Warden graciously installed feedburner last week. I am upward to a whopping iv subscribers! I know! I know! If anyone has a suggestion on how to go that number to reflect ACTUAL subscribers, I would really capeesh information technology. I feel all alone…

Which brings me to the Haloscan saga. I volition from now on refer to it equally Hellscan. I was so sure I wanted it because I would really like to have your (yeah, your) email addresses to send responses to comments and stalk you in a friendly kinda way. And so Nap Warden granted my wish. Hellscan then did it'south job of HIDING EVERY Unmarried COMMENT I HAD Always RECEIVED ON THE NIRVANA. What?!?

Yeah, every single comment was subconscious. I idea they were all deleted forever and barbarous into a deep, alone low because I need your comments. I love your comments. Delight don't delete my comments Hellscan!

I begged Nap Warden to de-install Hellscan. She was so sweet and once again granted my wish. My original comments returned! Cue the angel choir. I regained my happiness. I won't cheat on you again Blogger (at to the lowest degree non until I fully recover from this episode).

The merely problem was I am missing all the comments of the 36 hours I was on Hellscan. That is a small-scale price to pay for the greater comment skilful. I am temporarily cured from my grass is greener syndrome.

When I downloaded my pictures this week to get set for Dominicus's photo post, I came across the post-obit pictures that I did non take:

Being a super dandy detective, I am thinking that a certain seven y/o named Ryan may accept "borrowed" the camera…

Have I mentioned I have a pain in the butt?

Update: We just got the hotel neb and someone drank the $4.50 water…